When it comes to reliable data at the edge,
there is no need to compromise
The Midstream Segment is responsible for continuous, safe, reliable, and compliant operations even while addressing demand pressures, environmental concerns, theft and cybersecurity threats. Your digitalization strategy should effectively serve this goal. A well-executed digitalization strategy significantly improves Midstream Segment business performance in terms of asset reliability, operational efficiency, security, product quality and work safety.
Stratus improves reliability and availability of the Midstream Segment infrastructure by offering simple, protected, autonomous Edge Computing platforms that advance operational efficiencies and ensure continuous access to data across any environment.
If data is critical to your success, our products are critical to your business!
Benefits of Digitalization
From a two time finalist for product innovation in Oil & Gas
Customer Success Story: ftServer Ensures System Uptime at Columbia Pipeline Group
Columbia Pipeline Group relies on Stratus to help ensure the availability of their infrastructure that transports natural gas to a wide variety of industries. These include hospitals, manufacturing, as well as households. There is an ftServer at each compressor station (every 50-100 miles) to provide the HMI capability for the operators. This allows them to do their job and keep the facility running due to overall system uptime.
Watch the video case study
What are the Midstream Challenges?
Scalability, Extensibility and Standardization
Continuous Availability
Safety and Security
Asset Integrity and Resource Management
Aging Infrastructure
Unplanned Downtime
Buckeye Partners Digital Transformation
Angel Matos with Buckeye Partners presents Digital Transformation of Terminal and Pipeline Operations presentation at a recent ROKLive event. Buckeye’s Digital transformation objectives were to increase operational efficiency with ease of deployment and management of new applications. With frequent PC failures from environmental issues, Buckeye turned to Stratus to help with their TOPTECH Systems, TMS6 software which is focused on inventory control and Ticketing.
Short overview video
Edge Computing Platforms for the Oil & Gas Industry
Digitalization means using new digital technology such as improvements in SCADA, HMI, Edge Computing, Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence to increase revenue and find value-producing opportunities. Improved reliability and reduced downtime depend on the platform that deploys these applications. This is where Stratus excels and can help.
The Benefits of Stratus to the Midstream Segment
Midstream Resources
Leveraging Edge Computing Platforms in Midstream Oil & Gas
A well-executed solution significantly improves Midstream business performance in terms of asset reliability, operational efficiency, security, product quality, and work safety.
Deploy Edge Computing to Accelerate Digital Transformation
The newest Edge Computing platforms bring Midstream operators the ability to effectively acquire real-time data at the industrial edge to monitor performance and gain real-time insight.
Trusted by Stratus Partners

Ensure Operational Resilience with Stratus Edge Computing Platforms

Stratus ztC Edge™ is a secure, rugged, highly automated computing platform that improves productivity, increases operational efficiency, and reduces downtime risk at the edge of corporate networks.

Stratus ztC Endurance™ is an innovative family of computing platforms that enable intelligent, predictive fault tolerance and 99.99999% compute platform availability.

Stratus ftServer® is an operationally simple fault tolerant platform that keeps your applications running with no downtime or data loss.