
VOS製品がインストールされたときに良い記録が保持されていない限り、モジュール上のすべての製品のリビジョンを決定することは、困難な作業になる可能性があります。プログラムの中には、現在のバージョン情報を表示するためのパラメータを持っているものがあります。display_program_module や get_pm_version のようなプログラム情報を表示するツールもありますが、現在のところ、インストールされているすべてのソフトウェア製品についてこれを行おうとするものはありません。

This is why I created the following command macro that can be executed on your module to provide some of this information. It has one optional parameter (-long) that can be specified to list all the software products being checked and the minimum <major>.<minor> release of VOS required for the product.



& Beginning of modification history
& Written 08Feb2011 by Paul Farley to help determine installed software.
& End of modification history
  long        switch(long)
  debug       switch(debug),secret
&if &debug& &then &echo macro_lines command_lines input_lines
&else &echo no_command_lines no_input_lines no_macro_lines
&set_string MyName list_software_revisions
& Set a version, in case future modifications are desired.
&set_string macro_version  1.0_08Feb2011
!display_line (string &MyName&: version &macro_version&)
&set_string GPMV (master_disk)>system>maint_library>get_pm_version.pm
&if (exists -file &GPMV&) = 0 &then &do
  display_line &MyName&: Unable to locate get_pm_version.pm, exiting.
&set_string LSRCM (referencing_dir)>list_software_revisions.cm
set_ready -format off
&set_string temp (process_dir)>lsr-file
&set_string ModRel (substr (after (module_info system_release) 'Release ') 1 4)
& Need to set starting line number higher than the following code
& to keep from finding these test strings.
&set line_num 100
 &set_string inline (contents &LSRCM& &line_num& -hold)
 &set CS (command_status)
 &if &CS& ^= 0 &then &do
  display_line &MyName&: Unable to locate software table in macro file.
 &if (index &$inline& 'Start_Of_Software_Table') > 0
 &then &set SOST &line_num&
 &if (index &$inline& 'End_Of_Software_Table') > 0 &then &do
  &set EOST &line_num&
  &goto Found_SW_Table
 &set line_num &line_num& + 1
&label Found_SW_Table
display_line Current Module: (current_module) &+
 '('(module_info cpu_type)')' (module_info system_release)
&if &long& &then &do
 display_line &+
'SW-Bit Min-VOS Product Description             Product Revision'
 display_line &+
'------ ------- ------------------------------- -----------------------'
&else &do
 display_line &+
'SW-Bit Product Description                     Product Revision'
 display_line &+
'------ --------------------------------------- -----------------------'
&set SWTline (calc &SOST& + 1)
& Macro 'while' processing has problems in earlier VOS
& releases ( <14.7 ). Need to do it the old way for now..
& &while &SWTline& < &EOST&
&label WhileLoop
 &set SWTline (calc &SWTline& + 1)
 & Pick up SWBit
 &set_string inline (contents &LSRCM& &SWTline& -hold)
 &eval &set_string &inline&
 &set SWTline (calc &SWTline& + 1)
 & Pick up SWDesc
 &set_string inline (contents &LSRCM& &SWTline& -hold)
 &eval &set_string &inline&
 &set SWTline (calc &SWTline& + 1)
 & Pick up SWTestPm
 &set_string inline (contents &LSRCM& &SWTline& -hold)
 &eval &set_string &inline&
 &set SWTline (calc &SWTline& + 1)
 & Pick up SWMinRel
 &set_string inline (contents &LSRCM& &SWTline& -hold)
 &eval &set_string &inline&
 &set SWTline (calc &SWTline& + 1)
 &if (software_purchased &SWBit&) = 0 &then &do
  &if &ModRel& < &SWMinRel& &then &do
   &if &long& = 0 &then &goto DSR_Done
   &set_string SwRev * Bit not set. ModRel<MinRel *
   &goto DSR_Display
  &if &long& &then &do
   &set_string SwRev * Software bit not set *
   &goto DSR_Display
  &goto DSR_Done
 &if (exists -file &SWTestPm&) = 0 &then &do
  &if &ModRel& < &SWMinRel& &then &do
   &if &long& = 0 &then &goto DSR_Done
   &set_string SwRev * Not installed. ModRel<MinRel *
   &goto DSR_Display
  &if &long& &then &do
   &set_string SwRev * Product not installed *
   &goto DSR_Display
  &goto DSR_Done
 !attach_default_output &temp& ; &GPMV& &SWTestPm& ;
 &set_string cs (command_status)
 &if &cs& ^= 0 &then &do
  &if &long& &then &do
   &set_string SwRev * Error &cs& returned *
   &goto DSR_Display
  &goto DSR_Done
 &set_string SwRev (contents &temp& 1)
 &if (substr &$SwRev& 1 1) ^= (byte 39)
 &then &set_string SwRev (ltrim (after &$SwRev& ' '))
 &if &ModRel& < &SWMinRel&
 &then &set_string SwRev * &SwRev& {&ModRel& < &SWMinRel&}
 &label DSR_Display
 &if &long&
 &then &set_string SWBD '('&SWBit&')' &+
 (copy ' ' (calc 7 - (length &SWMinRel&)))&SWMinRel& &+
  &SWDesc& &+
  '                                                        '
 &else &set_string SWBD '('&SWBit&')' &SWDesc& &+
  '                                                        '
 &set_string OutLine (substr &$SWBD& 1 47)(unquote &SwRev&)
 &display_line &OutLine&
 &label DSR_Done
& &end  & This is the end of the 'while'
&if &SWTline& < &EOST& &then &goto WhileLoop
&set_string xline (contents &LSRCM& &line_num& -close)
& Each Product consists of five lines of data and they require
& The following static labels for the macro to function properly;
& & comment line to breakup the products
& SWBit <software product code>
& SWDesc <software description>
& SWTestPm <product program path>
& SWMinRel <minimum VOS major.minor required version>
& The labels Start Of Software Table and End Of Software Table
& also must be present for the macro to function properly..
&label Start_Of_Software_Table
SWBit S006
SWDesc Transaction Processing Services
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>tp_overseer.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S008
SWDesc Forms Management System
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>cl>nls_edit_form.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S009
SWDesc X.25 Network Facility
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>x25.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S017
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>sna_command_library>sna_appc.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S020
SWDesc COBOL Compiler
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>cobol.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S024
SWDesc PL/I Compiler
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>pl1.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S026
SWDesc FORTRAN 77 Compiler
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>fortran.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S028
SWDesc Pascal Compiler
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>pascal.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S030
SWDesc C Compiler
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>c.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S037
SWDesc BRASS SNMP Manager for VOS
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>vsnmpmgr>bin>brassd.pm
SWMinRel 14.7
SWBit S040
SWDesc Screen Editor
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>unformatted_edit.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S041
SWDesc Text Editor
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>formatted_edit.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S048
SWDesc RPC/XDR for VOS V-Series
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>rpc>stcp>command_library>portmap.pm
SWMinRel 15.1
SWBit S049
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>stcp>command_library>ipsec_key_admin.pm
SWMinRel 15.3
SWBit S080
SWDesc Debugging Support
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>mp_debug.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S081
SWDesc Sightline Power Agent for Vos
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>sightline>bin>datamgr.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S090
SWDesc DES Subroutines
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>des_library>encrypt.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S099
SWDesc Tools
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>itl_command_library>add_copyright.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S115
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>stcp>command_library>ping.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S238
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>datakit>command_library>dkstat.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S266
SWDesc Apache Web Server
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>apache_install_dir>bin>httpd.pm
SWMinRel 14.3
SWBit S266
SWDesc Apache Web Server
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>apache2>bin>httpd.pm
SWMinRel 15.2
SWBit S266
SWDesc Apache with PHP for OpenVOS
SWTestPm (master_disk)>opt>apache>bin>httpd.pm
SWMinRel 17.0
SWBit S268
SWDesc RADIUS Support
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>radius_admin.pm
SWMinRel 14.4
SWBit S269
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>samba>command_library>smbd.pm
SWMinRel 14.4
SWBit S269
SWDesc Samba for OpenVOS
SWTestPm (master_disk)>opt>samba>sbin>smbd.pm
SWMinRel 17.0
SWBit S270
SWDesc OpenSSL and OpenSSH for VOS
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>openssl>bin>ssh.pm
SWMinRel 14.7
SWBit S270
SWDesc OpenVOS Internet Security Pack
SWTestPm (master_disk)>opt>openssl>bin>ssh.pm
SWMinRel 17.0
SWBit S272
SWDesc MySQL for OpenVOS
SWTestPm (master_disk)>opt>mysql>bin>mysql.pm
SWMinRel 15.2
SWBit S273
SWDesc Kona for OpenVOS
SWTestPm (master_disk)>opt>java>latest>bin>java.pm
SWMinRel 17.1
SWBit S293
SWDesc Open StrataLink
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>osl_server.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S294
SWDesc ftServer V Series SDK
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system.14.7>command_library.p4be>bind.pm
SWMinRel 14.7
SWBit S456
SWDesc VOS Standard C Compiler
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>command_library>cc.pm
SWMinRel 1.0
SWBit S581
SWDesc VOS NIO for V-Series
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>nio>command_library>nio_admin.pm
SWMinRel 15.0
SWBit S683
SWDesc VOS Enterprise Backup Agent
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>ndmpd>bin>ndmpd.pm
SWMinRel 15.2
SWBit S684
SWDesc EMANATE SNMP Master Agent for VOS
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>vsnmpmgr>emanate>basic>vos.bin>snmpd.pm
SWMinRel 15.2
SWBit S776
SWTestPm (master_disk)>opt>mqm>bin>crtmqm.pm
SWMinRel 17.0
SWBit S844
SWDesc WMQC for OpenVOS
SWTestPm (master_disk)>opt>mqm>bin>amqicdir.pm
SWMinRel 17.0
SWBit S877
SWDesc GNU C/C++ and GNU Tools
SWTestPm (master_disk)>system>gnu_library>bin>g++.pm
SWMinRel 14.3
&label End_Of_Software_Table


図 1 - list_software_revisions.cm コマンドマクロ





list_software_revisions: version 1.0_08Feb2011

現在のモジュール。es#m105 (G92200) OpenVOS リリース 17.0.2ax
SW-Bit 製品説明 製品リビジョン
------ --------------------------------------- -----------------------
(S006) トランザクション処理サービス リリース 17.0.2as
(S008) フォーム管理システムリリース 17.0.1
(S009) X.25 ネットワークファシリティ Release 17.0.1
(S017) SNA SNA2 リリース 9.0.0
(S020) COBOLコンパイラリリース17.0.1
(S024) PL/Iコンパイラ Release 17.0.1
(S026) FORTRAN 77 コンパイラ Release 17.0.1
(S028) パスカルコンパイラ Release 17.0.1
(S030) Cコンパイラ Release 17.0.1
(S040) スクリーンエディタリリース 17.0.1
(S041) テキストエディタ Release 17.0.1
(S080) デバッグサポートリリース 17.0.1
(S090) DESサブルーチンリリース2.1a
(S099) ツールリリース2.0fp
(S115) STREAMS TCP Release 17.0.2ar
(S238) DATAKIT Release 15.3.0
(S266) Apache with PHP for OpenVOS 3.0.0
(S268) RADIUSサポートリリース17.0.1
(S269) Samba for OpenVOS リリース 3.2.beta.aa
(S270) OpenSSL と OpenSSH for VOS リリース 2.0.0m
(S272) MySQL for OpenVOS Release
(S293) Open StrataLink Release 17.0.2
(S456) VOS標準Cコンパイラリリース17.0.1
(S684) EMANATE SNMPマスターエージェント for VOS Release 16.2.0
(S877) GNU C/C++ および GNU Tools Release 3.4.0i


図2 - list_software_revisions.cmの出力例

マクロの最新バージョンは、VOS Customer Service ToolsのWebページ(ftp://ftp.stratus.com/pub/cac/tools/tools.html)にも掲載されています。


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