System Health Check

for VOS Systems

System Health Check

Monitoring and reporting of problems on VOS operating system is performed using several system processes.  However if you need or want to manually get a health check of your system you can do the following.

Manually checking the health of your system

  1. Execute the following command from the VOS command line.
    Issue the command using the full pathname to make sure you reference the script
    Ie. (master_disk)>system>maint_library>check_module_duplexed

This example shows a system that is fully duplexed. 

Example of a failure showing a disk and PCI adapter that is simplex (not duplexed)

If you want specific details of your system you can use the command analyze_system.
Note:  You must be a privileged user to use this command.

Example shows a disk that is simplexed on the system

Example shows a list_boards  to see what faults are there.  Item highlighted is an indication of a problem.

Support and Services

If you need assistance with the configuration, please call our support center at:

  • US Toll-Free: 800-221-6588
  • International: +1 602-852-3200

Or send your request via email at [email protected]