Stratus RedundantLinux Release
ユーザー ドキュメント
- Stratus RedundantLinux Release リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- ztC Edge User’s Guide (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
Hardware Documentation
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: 単一ノード システムを展開する (R014Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの追加 (R015Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの交換 (R013Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: 単一ノードシステムを展開する (R017Z) ( 英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの追加 (R018Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの交換 (R019Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、Windows オペレーティングシステムベースのサービスで、HA または FT で保護された仮想マシン (VM) を実行している 2 台の ztC Edge サーバ (物理マシンまたは PM) とは別のサーバ上に作成されます。クォーラム サーバは、ztC Edge 環境における特定の障害に対するデータ整合性の保証と自動再起動機能を提供します。ストラタスは、自動ローカル・サイト・リカバリ(ALSR)運用にクォーラム サーバを使用することを強く推奨します。ztC Edge ペアは、0、1、または 2 台のクォーラム サーバーで構成できます。詳細については、クォーラム サーバー(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語)(日本語)(ポルトガル語)を参照してください。
Download the Quorum Service for ztC Edge systems.
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、システムステータスの監視を行うための標準プロトコルです。SNMP は、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視できるオブジェクトのデータベースです。Stratus RedundantLinux (SRL) ソフトウェアを実行している ztC Edge システムでは、SNMP を実行している場合、MIB をダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMP ネットワーク管理ソフトウェアが ztC Edge システムの SNMP アラームを解読できるようになります。
詳細については、SNMP(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)を参照してください。
ztC Edge MIBのダウンロード
ztCエッジ VirtIOドライバの更新
VirtIO ドライバは、VM の作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、または P2V クライアントを使用して VM または物理マシン (PM) を ztCエッジ システムに移行した後は、VirtIO ドライバを更新する必要があります。詳細については、 「VirtIO ドライバの更新」 (WindowsベースのVM)(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (ポルトガル語) を参照してください。日本語ポルトガル語)を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
ztC Edge P2V クライアントによる仮想/物理マシン移行
PM または VM をネットワーク経由で直接 ztC Edge システムに移行するには、ソース PM または VM 上で P2V クライアント (virt-p2v) を起動し、クライアントを使用してソース側からの安全なネットワーク転送を設定、開始、監視します。ztC Edge システムでは、移行が完了するまで設定は必要ありませんが、新しい VM に関連するボリュームが表示され始めると、ztC Edge Console の Volumes ページで移行が進行中であることを確認できます。詳細については、仮想マシンの作成と移行(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語)(日本語)(ポルトガル語)を参照してください。
Stratus RedundantLinux Release
ユーザー ドキュメント
- Stratus RedundantLinux Release リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- ztC Edge User’s Guide (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
Hardware Documentation
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: 単一ノード システムを展開する (R014Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの追加 (R015Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの交換 (R013Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: 単一ノードシステムを展開する (R017Z) ( 英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの追加 (R018Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの交換 (R019Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HAまたはFTで保護された仮想マシン(VM)を実行する2つのサーバー(物理マシンまたはPM)とは別のサーバー上に作成されるWindowsオペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラムサーバーは、ztC Edge環境での特定の障害に対するデータ整合性の保証と自動再起動機能を提供します。Stratusは、Automated Local Site Recovery(ALSR)操作にクォーラムサーバーを使用することを強くお勧めします。0、1、または2つのクォーラムサーバーでztCEdgeペアを構成できます。詳細については、「クォーラム サーバー」を参照してください。
Download the Quorum Service for ztC Edge systems.
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、およびシステムの状態を監視するための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義の情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視可能なオブジェクトのデータベースです。Stratus Redundant Linux(SRL)ソフトウェアを実行しているztC Edgeシステムで、SNMPを実行している場合は、MIBをダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMPネットワーク管理ソフトウェアはztCEdgeシステムのSNMPアラームを解読できます。
詳細については、ztC EdgeドキュメントのSNMP セクションを参照してください。
ztC Edge MIBのダウンロード
ztC Edge VirtIOドライバーのアップデート
VirtIOドライバーは、VMの作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。 ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、またはP2Vクライアントを使用してVMまたは物理マシン(PM)をztC Edgeシステムに移行した後は、VirtIOドライバーを更新する必要があります。詳細は、「VirtIO ドライバーのアップデート (Windows-based VMs )」を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
PMまたはVMをネットワーク経由でztCEdgeシステムに直接移行するには、ソースPMまたはVMでP2Vクライアント(virt-p2v)を起動し、クライアントを使用して、ソース側からの安全なネットワーク転送を構成、開始、および監視します。 。 ztC Edgeシステムは、移行が完了するまで構成を必要としませんが、新しいVMに関連付けられたボリュームが表示され始めると、ztCEdgeコンソールの[ボリューム]ページで移行が進行中であることを確認できます。詳細は、「仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。
Stratus RedundantLinux Release
ユーザー ドキュメント
- Stratus RedundantLinux Release リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- ztC Edge User’s Guide (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
Hardware Documentation
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: 単一ノード システムを展開する (R014Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの追加 (R015Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの交換 (R013Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: 単一ノードシステムを展開する (R017Z) ( 英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの追加 (R018Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの交換 (R019Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HAまたはFTで保護された仮想マシン(VM)を実行する2つのサーバー(物理マシンまたはPM)とは別のサーバー上に作成されるWindowsオペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラムサーバーは、ztC Edge環境での特定の障害に対するデータ整合性の保証と自動再起動機能を提供します。Stratusは、Automated Local Site Recovery(ALSR)操作にクォーラムサーバーを使用することを強くお勧めします。0、1、または2つのクォーラムサーバーでztCEdgeペアを構成できます。詳細については、「クォーラム サーバー」を参照してください。
Download the Quorum Service for ztC Edge systems.
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、およびシステムの状態を監視するための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義の情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視可能なオブジェクトのデータベースです。Stratus Redundant Linux(SRL)ソフトウェアを実行しているztC Edgeシステムで、SNMPを実行している場合は、MIBをダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMPネットワーク管理ソフトウェアはztCEdgeシステムのSNMPアラームを解読できます。
詳細については、ztC EdgeドキュメントのSNMP セクションを参照してください。
ztC Edge MIBのダウンロード
ztC Edge VirtIOドライバーのアップデート
VirtIOドライバーは、VMの作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。 ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、またはP2Vクライアントを使用してVMまたは物理マシン(PM)をztC Edgeシステムに移行した後は、VirtIOドライバーを更新する必要があります。詳細は、「VirtIO ドライバーのアップデート (Windows-based VMs )」を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
PMまたはVMをネットワーク経由でztCEdgeシステムに直接移行するには、ソースPMまたはVMでP2Vクライアント(virt-p2v)を起動し、クライアントを使用して、ソース側からの安全なネットワーク転送を構成、開始、および監視します。 。 ztC Edgeシステムは、移行が完了するまで構成を必要としませんが、新しいVMに関連付けられたボリュームが表示され始めると、ztCEdgeコンソールの[ボリューム]ページで移行が進行中であることを確認できます。詳細は、「仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。
Stratus RedundantLinux Release
ユーザー ドキュメント
- Stratus RedundantLinux Release リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- ztC Edge User’s Guide (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
Hardware Documentation
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: 単一ノード システムを展開する (R014Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの追加 (R015Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの交換 (R013Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: 単一ノードシステムを展開する (R017Z) ( 英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの追加 (R018Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの交換 (R019Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HAまたはFTで保護された仮想マシン(VM)を実行する2つのサーバー(物理マシンまたはPM)とは別のサーバー上に作成されるWindowsオペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラムサーバーは、ztC Edge環境での特定の障害に対するデータ整合性の保証と自動再起動機能を提供します。Stratusは、Automated Local Site Recovery(ALSR)操作にクォーラムサーバーを使用することを強くお勧めします。0、1、または2つのクォーラムサーバーでztCEdgeペアを構成できます。詳細については、「クォーラム サーバー」を参照してください。
Download the Quorum Service for ztC Edge systems.
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、およびシステムの状態を監視するための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義の情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視可能なオブジェクトのデータベースです。Stratus Redundant Linux(SRL)ソフトウェアを実行しているztC Edgeシステムで、SNMPを実行している場合は、MIBをダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMPネットワーク管理ソフトウェアはztCEdgeシステムのSNMPアラームを解読できます。
詳細については、ztC EdgeドキュメントのSNMP セクションを参照してください。
ztC Edge MIBのダウンロード
ztC Edge VirtIOドライバーのアップデート
VirtIOドライバーは、VMの作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。 ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、またはP2Vクライアントを使用してVMまたは物理マシン(PM)をztC Edgeシステムに移行した後は、VirtIOドライバーを更新する必要があります。詳細は、「VirtIO ドライバーのアップデート (Windows-based VMs )」を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
PMまたはVMをネットワーク経由でztCEdgeシステムに直接移行するには、ソースPMまたはVMでP2Vクライアント(virt-p2v)を起動し、クライアントを使用して、ソース側からの安全なネットワーク転送を構成、開始、および監視します。 。 ztC Edgeシステムは、移行が完了するまで構成を必要としませんが、新しいVMに関連付けられたボリュームが表示され始めると、ztCEdgeコンソールの[ボリューム]ページで移行が進行中であることを確認できます。詳細は、「仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。
Stratus RedundantLinux Release
ユーザー ドキュメント
- Stratus RedundantLinux Release Release Notes(English) (Chinese) (German) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- ztC Edge User’s Guide (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
Hardware Documentation
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: 単一ノード システムを展開する (R014Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの追加 (R015Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの交換 (R013Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: 単一ノードシステムを展開する (R017Z) ( 英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの追加 (R018Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 200i/250i Systems: ノードの交換 (R019Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HAまたはFTで保護された仮想マシン(VM)を実行する2つのサーバー(物理マシンまたはPM)とは別のサーバー上に作成されるWindowsオペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラムサーバーは、ztC Edge環境での特定の障害に対するデータ整合性の保証と自動再起動機能を提供します。Stratusは、Automated Local Site Recovery(ALSR)操作にクォーラムサーバーを使用することを強くお勧めします。0、1、または2つのクォーラムサーバーでztCEdgeペアを構成できます。詳細については、「クォーラム サーバー」を参照してください。
Download the Quorum Service for ztC Edge systems.
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、およびシステムの状態を監視するための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義の情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視可能なオブジェクトのデータベースです。Stratus Redundant Linux(SRL)ソフトウェアを実行しているztC Edgeシステムで、SNMPを実行している場合は、MIBをダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMPネットワーク管理ソフトウェアはztCEdgeシステムのSNMPアラームを解読できます。
詳細については、ztC EdgeドキュメントのSNMP セクションを参照してください。
ztC Edge MIBのダウンロード
ztC Edge VirtIOドライバーのアップデート
VirtIOドライバーは、VMの作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。 ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、またはP2Vクライアントを使用してVMまたは物理マシン(PM)をztC Edgeシステムに移行した後は、VirtIOドライバーを更新する必要があります。詳細は、「VirtIO ドライバーのアップデート (Windows-based VMs )」を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
PMまたはVMをネットワーク経由でztCEdgeシステムに直接移行するには、ソースPMまたはVMでP2Vクライアント(virt-p2v)を起動し、クライアントを使用して、ソース側からの安全なネットワーク転送を構成、開始、および監視します。 。 ztC Edgeシステムは、移行が完了するまで構成を必要としませんが、新しいVMに関連付けられたボリュームが表示され始めると、ztCEdgeコンソールの[ボリューム]ページで移行が進行中であることを確認できます。詳細は、「仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。
Stratus RedundantLinux Release
ユーザー ドキュメント
- Stratus Redundant Linux Release リリースノート (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
- ztC Edge User’s Guide (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
- Stratus Redundant Linux アップグレードキット
- Stratus Redundant Linux アップグレードキット md5sum
- Stratus Redundant Linux アップグレードキット fciv
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
Hardware Documentation
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: Deploying a Dual-Node System (R012Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの交換 (R013Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: 単一ノード システムを展開する (R014Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの追加 (R015Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service created on a server distinct from the two ztC Edge servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in a ztC Edge environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers for Automated Local Site Recovery (ALSR) operation. You can configure a ztC Edge pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the Quorum Service for ztC Edge systems.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB).
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With ztC Edge systems running Stratus Redundant Linux (SRL) software, you need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for ztC Edge systems.
For details, see the SNMP section of the ztC Edge documentation.
Download the ztC Edge MIB.
ztC Edge VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. However, you should update the VirtIO drivers after upgrading the system software or after using the P2V client to migrate a VM or a physical machine (PM) to the ztC Edge system. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to a ztC Edge system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The ztC Edge system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the ztC Edge Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v).
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum.
Stratus RedundantLinux Release
ユーザー ドキュメント
- Stratus Redundant Linux Release Release Notes (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- ztC Edge User’s Guide (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade Kit
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade Kit md5sum
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade Kit fciv
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
Hardware Documentation
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: Deploying a Dual-Node System (R012Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの交換 (R013Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: 単一ノード システムを展開する (R014Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
- ztC Edge 100i/110i Systems: ノードの追加 (R015Z) (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service created on a server distinct from the two ztC Edge servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in a ztC Edge environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers for Automated Local Site Recovery (ALSR) operation. You can configure a ztC Edge pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the Quorum Service for ztC Edge systems.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB).
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With ztC Edge systems running Stratus Redundant Linux (SRL) software, you need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for ztC Edge systems.
For details, see the SNMP section of the ztC Edge documentation.
Download the ztC Edge MIB.
ztC Edge VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. However, you should update the VirtIO drivers after upgrading the system software or after using the P2V client to migrate a VM or a physical machine (PM) to the ztC Edge system. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to a ztC Edge system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The ztC Edge system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the ztC Edge Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v).
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum.
Stratus RedundantLinux Release
ユーザー ドキュメント
- Stratus Redundant Linux Release Release Notes (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese) 1
- ztC Edge User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese) 1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade Kit
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade kit md5sum
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade Kit fciv
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese) 1
Hardware Documentation
ztC Edge 100i Systems
- Deploying the System (R001Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
- Replacing a Node (R002Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
ztC Edge 100i-s Systems
- Deploying a Single-Node System (R003Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
- Adding a Node (R004Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
ztC Edge 110i Systems
- Deploying the System (R005Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
- Replacing a Node (R006Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
ztC Edge 110i-s Systems
- Deploying a Single-Node System (R007Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
- Adding a Node (R008Z) (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service created on a server distinct from the two ztC Edge servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in a ztC Edge environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers for Automated Local Site Recovery (ALSR) operation. You can configure a ztC Edge pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the Quorum Service for ztC Edge systems.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB).
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With ztC Edge systems running Stratus Redundant Linux (SRL) software, you need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for ztC Edge systems.
For details, see the SNMP section of the ztC Edge documentation.
Download the ztC Edge MIB.
ztC Edge VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. However, you should update the VirtIO drivers after upgrading the system software or after using the P2V client to migrate a VM or a physical machine (PM) to the ztC Edge system. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to a ztC Edge system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The ztC Edge system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the ztC Edge Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v).
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum.
ztC Edge
Documentation Set
- ztC Edge Release Notes (English) (Chinese)(German)(Japanese)(Portuguese)
- ztC Edge Documentation Set (English)(Chinese)(German)(Japanese)(Portuguese) 1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
! Important ! – New installations of ztC Edge can be performed using the “out of the box” deploy scenario. It is necessary to observe specific cautions and workarounds when upgrading older versions to release
Please, open a support call with Stratus Customer Service to obtain the upgrade kit and discuss options for a problem free upgrade.
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (English)(Chinese)(German)(Japanese)(Portuguese)
ztC Edge 100i Systems: Supplemental Documentation
- Deploying the System (R001Z) (English)(Chinese)(German)(Japanese)(Portuguese)
- Replacing a Node (R002Z) (English)(Chinese)(German)(Japanese)(Portuguese)
ztC Edge 100i-s Systems: Supplemental Documentation
- Deploying a Single-Node System (R003Z) (English)(Chinese)(German)(Japanese)(Portuguese)
- Adding a Node (R004Z) (English)(Chinese)(German)(Japanese)(Portuguese)
ztC Edge 110i Systems: Supplemental Documentation
- Deploying the System (R005Z) (English)(Chinese)(German)(Japanese)(Portuguese)
- Replacing a Node (R006Z) (English)(Chinese)(German)(Japanese)(Portuguese)
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two ztC Edge servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in a ztC Edge environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers for Automated Local Site Recovery (ALSR) operation. You can configure a ztC Edge pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the Quorum Service for ztC Edge Systems.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With ztC Edge systems running Stratus Redundant Linux (SRL) software, you need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for ztC Edge systems.
For details, see the SNMP section of the ztC Edge documentation.
Download the ztC Edge MIB
ztC Edge VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. In certain situations, you should update the driver. For example, you should update the VirtIO drivers after upgrading the system software or after using the P2V client to migrate a VM or a physical machine (PM) to the ztC Edge system. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an ztC Edge system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The ztC Edge system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the ztC Edge Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
ztC Edge
Documentation Set
- ztC Edge Release Notes (English)
- ztC Edge Documentation Set (English)
- ztC Edge Documentation Set (Chinese)1
- ztC Edge Documentation Set (German)1
- ztC Edge Documentation Set (Japanese)1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade Kit
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade kit md5sum
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade Kit fciv
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (English)
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (Chinese)1
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (German)1
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (Japanese)1
ztC Edge Node Replacement
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (English)
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (Chinese)1
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (German)1
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (Japanese)1
ztC Edge Quick Deployment
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (English)
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (Chinese)1
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (German)1
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (Japanese)1
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in a ztC Edge environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers for Automated Local Site Recovery (ALSR) operation. You can configure a ztC Edge pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With ztC Edge, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for ztC Edge.
For details, see the SNMP section of the ztC Edge documentation.
Download the ztC Edge MIB
ztC Edge VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed in your guest automatically on VM creation. If importing a VM from everRun 7.4.x. or earlier, Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an ztC Edge system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The ztC Edge system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the ztC Edge Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
ztC Edge
Documentation Set
- ztC Edge Release Notes (English)
- ztC Edge Documentation Set (English)
- ztC Edge Documentation Set (Chinese)1
- ztC Edge Documentation Set (German)1
- ztC Edge Documentation Set (Japanese)1
Stratus Redundant Linux Software Upgrade Kit
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade Kit
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade kit md5sum
- Stratus Redundant Linux Upgrade Kit fciv
Stratus Redundant Linux Software アップグレード説明書
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (English)
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (Chinese)
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (German)
- Upgrading Stratus Redundant Linux Software Using an Upgrade Kit (Japanese)
ztC Edge Node Replacement
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (English)
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (Chinese)
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (German)
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (Japanese)
ztC Edge Quick Deployment
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (English)
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (Chinese)
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (German)
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (Japanese)
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With ztC Edge, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for ztC Edge.
For details, see the SNMP section of the ztC Edge documentation.
Download the ztC Edge MIB
ztC Edge VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed in your guest automatically on VM creation. If importing a VM from everRun 7.4.x. or earlier, Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to a ztC Edge system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The ztC Edge system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the ztC Edge Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
ztC Edge
リリース ノート
Documentation Set
- Documentation Set (English)
- Documentation Set (Chinese)
- Documentation Set (German)
- Documentation Set (Japanese)
ztC Edge Node Replacement
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (English)
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (Chinese)
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (German)
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (Japanese)
ztC Edge Quick Deployment
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (English)
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (Chinese)
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (German)
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (Japanese)
Drivers and Tools
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With ztC Edge, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for ztC Edge.
For details, see the SNMP section of the ztC Edge documentation.
Download the ztC Edge MIB
ztC Edge VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed in your guest automatically on VM creation. If importing a VM from everRun 7.4.x. or earlier, Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an ztC Edge system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The ztC Edge system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the ztC Edge Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
ztC Edge
- Release Notes (English)
- Documentation Set (English)
- ztC Edge Node Replacement (English)
- ztC Edge Quick Deployment (English)
Drivers and Tools
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With ztC Edge, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for ztC Edge.
For details, see the SNMP section of the ztC Edge documentation.
Download the ztC Edge MIB
ztC Edge VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver in version 7.4.1 has been updated (refer to the release notes for details). Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers on upgrade to using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
ztC Edge P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an ztC Edge system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The ztC Edge system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the ztC Edge Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun リリース リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- everRun リリース システム要件(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
Product Downloads
ソフトウェアのインストール(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語ポルトガル語
注:アップグレードパスについては、everRun リリース リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HA または FT で保護された仮想マシン(VM)を実行している 2 台のeverRun サーバ(物理マシンまたは PM)とは別のサーバ上に作成されたWindows オペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラム サーバは、everRun 環境における特定の障害に対するデータ整合性の保証と自動再起動機能を提供します。ストラタスは、特に SplitSite の運用においてクォーラム サーバの使用を強く推奨します。everRun PM ペアを 0、1、または 2 台のクォーラム サーバーで構成できます。詳細については、クォーラム サーバー(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語) を参照してください。
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) ゲストエージェント
仮想マシン (VM) のアプリケーション一貫性のあるスナップショットを作成する場合は、Windows ベースのゲストオペレーティングシステムに Quick EMUlator (QEMU) ゲストエージェントをインストールします。詳細については、QEMU ゲストのインストール(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語ポルトガル語)を参照してください。
everRun コマンドラインインターフェイス(AVCLI)
everRun コマンドラインインターフェイス(AVCLI)を使用して、リモートコンソールからシステムを制御することができます。詳細については、everRun コマンドラインインターフェイスリファレンス(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語)(日本語ポルトガル語)を参照してください。
Windows avcli クライアントをダウンロードします。
RHEL (64 bit) avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) の avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
everRun SNMP MIB
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、システム状態の監視を行うための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視できるオブジェクトのデータベースです。everRun ソフトウェアでは、SNMP を実行する場合、MIB をダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMP ネットワーク管理ソフトウェアがeverRun システムの SNMP アラームを解読できるようになります。
詳細については、SNMP(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語everRun ) (Portuguese) のセクションを参照してください。
everRun MIBをダウンロードしてください。
everRun VirtIO ドライバの更新
VirtIO ドライバは、VM の作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。ただし、システム ソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、または P2V クライアントを使用して VM または物理マシン (PM) をeverRun システムに移行した後は、VirtIO ドライバを更新する必要があります。詳細については、VirtIO ドライバーの更新 (WindowsベースのVM)(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (ポルトガル語)を参照してください。日本語ポルトガル語)を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun Avance または MX VM マイグレーション用の VirtIO ドライバeverRun
ベースの VM の場合、 または MX システムから VM をエクスポートする前に、ゲストオペレーティングシステムに VirtIO ドライバをインストールする必要があります。VirtIO ドライバをインストールしないと、インポートされた VM が システムで起動中にクラッシュします。詳細については、 「Windows Avance everRun everRun 仮想マシンの作成と移行」 (英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語ポルトガル語)を参照してください。移行が完了したら、上記で提供されている最新の VirtIO ドライバに更新することをお勧めします。
VM移行用のVirtIO Driverの実行ファイルをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun 仮想/物理マシン移行用P2Vクライアント
PM または VM をネットワーク経由で直接everRun システムへ移行するには、ソース PM または VM 上で P2V クライアント (virt-p2v) を起動し、クライアントを使用してソース側からの安全なネットワーク転送の設定、開始、および監視を行います。everRun システムでは、移行が完了するまで設定は不要ですが、everRun Availability Console の Volumes ページで、新しい VM に関連付けられたボリュームが表示され始めると、移行が進行中であることを確認できます。詳細については、仮想マシンの作成と移行(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語)(日本語ポルトガル語)を参照してください。
- everRun リリース リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- everRun リリース システム要件(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
Product Downloads
注:アップグレードパスについては、everRun リリース リリースノートを参照してください。
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HA または FT で保護された仮想マシン(VM)を実行している 2 台のeverRun サーバ(物理マシンまたは PM)とは別のサーバ上に作成されたWindows オペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラム サーバは、everRun 環境における特定の障害に対するデータ整合性の保証と自動再起動機能を提供します。ストラタスは、特に SplitSite の運用においてクォーラム サーバの使用を強く推奨します。everRun PM ペアを 0、1、または 2 台のクォーラム サーバーで構成できます。詳細については、クォーラム サーバーを参照してください。
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLI)について
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLIと表記)を使って、リモートコンソールからシステムを制御することができます。詳細は、everRun 「コマンドライン・インターフェース・リファレンス」をご参照ください。
Windows avcli クライアントをダウンロードします。
RHEL (64 bit) avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) の avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
everRun SNMP MIB
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、およびシステムの状態を監視するための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義の情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視可能なオブジェクトのデータベースです。everRun のソフトウェアでは、SNMP を実行する場合、MIB をダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMPネットワーク管理ソフトウェアが、everRun システムのSNMPアラームを解読できるようになります。
詳細については、everRun の「SNMP」の項を参照してください。
everRun MIBをダウンロードしてください。
everRun VirtIOドライバーのアップデート
VirtIO ドライバは、VM の作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、または P2V クライアントを使用して VM または物理マシン (PM) をeverRun システムに移行した後は、VirtIO ドライバをアップデートする必要があります。詳細は、「VirtIO ドライバーのアップデート (Windows-based VMs)」を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun Avance または MX の VM マイグレーション用 VirtIO ドライバeverRun
ベースの VM の場合、 または MX システムから VM をエクスポートする前に、ゲストオペレーティングシステムに VirtIO ドライバをインストールする必要があります。VirtIO ドライバをインストールしないと、インポートした VM が システムでブート中にクラッシュします。詳細については、「Windows Avance everRun everRun 仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。移行が完了したら、上記で提供される最新の VirtIO ドライバにアップデートすることをお勧めします。
VM移行用のVirtIO Driverの実行ファイルをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
PMまたはVMをネットワーク経由で直接everRun システムに移行するには、移行元のPMまたはVM上でP2Vクライアント(virt-p2v)を起動し、クライアントを使用して、移行元側からのセキュアなネットワーク転送の設定、開始、監視を行います。everRun システムでは、移行が完了するまで設定は必要ありませんが、新しいVMに関連するボリュームが表示され始めると、everRun Availability ConsoleのVolumesページで移行が進行していることを確認することができます。詳細については、「仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。
- everRun リリース リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- everRun リリース システム要件(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
Product Downloads
注:アップグレードパスについては、everRun リリース リリースノートを参照してください。
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HA または FT で保護された仮想マシン(VM)を実行している 2 台のeverRun サーバ(物理マシンまたは PM)とは別のサーバ上に作成されたWindows オペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラム サーバは、everRun 環境における特定の障害に対するデータ整合性の保証と自動再起動機能を提供します。ストラタスは、特に SplitSite の運用においてクォーラム サーバの使用を強く推奨します。everRun PM ペアを 0、1、または 2 台のクォーラム サーバーで構成できます。詳細については、クォーラム サーバーを参照してください。
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLI)について
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLIと表記)を使って、リモートコンソールからシステムを制御することができます。詳細は、everRun 「コマンドライン・インターフェース・リファレンス」をご参照ください。
Windows avcli クライアントをダウンロードします。
RHEL (64 bit) avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) の avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
everRun SNMP MIB
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、およびシステムの状態を監視するための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義の情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視可能なオブジェクトのデータベースです。everRun のソフトウェアでは、SNMP を実行する場合、MIB をダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMPネットワーク管理ソフトウェアが、everRun システムのSNMPアラームを解読できるようになります。
詳細については、everRun の「SNMP」の項を参照してください。
everRun MIBをダウンロードしてください。
everRun VirtIOドライバーのアップデート
VirtIO ドライバは、VM の作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、または P2V クライアントを使用して VM または物理マシン (PM) をeverRun システムに移行した後は、VirtIO ドライバをアップデートする必要があります。詳細は、「VirtIO ドライバーのアップデート (Windows-based VMs)」を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun Avance または MX の VM マイグレーション用 VirtIO ドライバeverRun
ベースの VM の場合、 または MX システムから VM をエクスポートする前に、ゲストオペレーティングシステムに VirtIO ドライバをインストールする必要があります。VirtIO ドライバをインストールしないと、インポートした VM が システムでブート中にクラッシュします。詳細については、「Windows Avance everRun everRun 仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。移行が完了したら、上記で提供される最新の VirtIO ドライバにアップデートすることをお勧めします。
VM移行用のVirtIO Driverの実行ファイルをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
PMまたはVMをネットワーク経由で直接everRun システムに移行するには、移行元のPMまたはVM上でP2Vクライアント(virt-p2v)を起動し、クライアントを使用して、移行元側からのセキュアなネットワーク転送の設定、開始、監視を行います。everRun システムでは、移行が完了するまで設定は必要ありませんが、新しいVMに関連するボリュームが表示され始めると、everRun Availability ConsoleのVolumesページで移行が進行していることを確認することができます。詳細については、「仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。
- everRun リリース リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- everRun リリース システム要件(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
Product Downloads
everRun ソフトウェアのアップグレード
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HA または FT で保護された仮想マシン (VM) を実行しているeverRun サーバ (物理マシンまたは PM) とは別のサーバ上に作成されたWindows オペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラム サーバは、everRun 環境における特定の障害に対するデータの完全性の保証と自動再起動能力を提供します。ストラタスは、特に SplitSite 操作のためにクォーラム サーバを使用することを強く推奨します。everRun PM ペアは、0、1、または 2 台のクォーラム サーバーで構成することができます。詳細については、クォーラム Servers を参照してください。
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLI)について
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLIと表記)を使って、リモートコンソールからシステムを制御することができます。詳細は、everRun 「コマンドライン・インターフェース・リファレンス」をご参照ください。
Windows avcli クライアントをダウンロードします。
RHEL (64 bit) avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) の avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
everRun SNMP MIB
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、およびシステムの状態を監視するための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義の情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視可能なオブジェクトのデータベースです。everRun のソフトウェアでは、SNMP を実行する場合、MIB をダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMPネットワーク管理ソフトウェアが、everRun システムのSNMPアラームを解読できるようになります。
詳細については、everRun の「SNMP」の項を参照してください。
everRun MIBをダウンロードしてください。
everRun VirtIOドライバーのアップデート
VirtIO ドライバは、VM の作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、または P2V クライアントを使用して VM または物理マシン (PM) をeverRun システムに移行した後は、VirtIO ドライバをアップデートする必要があります。詳細は、「VirtIO ドライバーのアップデート (Windows-based VMs)」を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun Avance または MX の VM マイグレーション用 VirtIO ドライバeverRun
ベースの VM の場合、 または MX システムから VM をエクスポートする前に、ゲストオペレーティングシステムに VirtIO ドライバをインストールする必要があります。VirtIO ドライバをインストールしないと、インポートした VM が システムでブート中にクラッシュします。詳細については、「Windows Avance everRun everRun 仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。移行が完了したら、上記で提供される最新の VirtIO ドライバにアップデートすることをお勧めします。
VM移行用のVirtIO Driverの実行ファイルをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
PMまたはVMをネットワーク経由で直接everRun システムに移行するには、移行元のPMまたはVM上でP2Vクライアント(virt-p2v)を起動し、クライアントを使用して、移行元側からのセキュアなネットワーク転送の設定、開始、監視を行います。everRun システムでは、移行が完了するまで設定は必要ありませんが、新しいVMに関連するボリュームが表示され始めると、everRun Availability ConsoleのVolumesページで移行が進行していることを確認することができます。詳細については、「仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。
- everRun リリース リリースノート(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- everRun リリース システム要件(英語)(中国語)(ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
Product Downloads
everRun ソフトウェアのアップグレード
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HA または FT で保護された仮想マシン (VM) を実行しているeverRun サーバ (物理マシンまたは PM) とは別のサーバ上に作成されたWindows オペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラム サーバは、everRun 環境における特定の障害に対するデータの完全性の保証と自動再起動能力を提供します。ストラタスは、特に SplitSite 操作のためにクォーラム サーバを使用することを強く推奨します。everRun PM ペアは、0、1、または 2 台のクォーラム サーバーで構成することができます。詳細については、クォーラム Servers を参照してください。
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLI)について
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLIと表記)を使って、リモートコンソールからシステムを制御することができます。詳細は、everRun 「コマンドライン・インターフェース・リファレンス」をご参照ください。
Windows avcli クライアントをダウンロードします。
RHEL (64 bit) avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) の avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
everRun SNMP MIB
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、およびシステムの状態を監視するための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義の情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視可能なオブジェクトのデータベースです。everRun のソフトウェアでは、SNMP を実行する場合、MIB をダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMPネットワーク管理ソフトウェアが、everRun システムのSNMPアラームを解読できるようになります。
詳細については、everRun の「SNMP」の項を参照してください。
everRun MIBをダウンロードしてください。
everRun VirtIOドライバーのアップデート
VirtIO ドライバは、VM の作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、または P2V クライアントを使用して VM または物理マシン (PM) をeverRun システムに移行した後は、VirtIO ドライバをアップデートする必要があります。詳細は、「VirtIO ドライバーのアップデート (Windows-based VMs)」を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun Avance または MX の VM マイグレーション用 VirtIO ドライバeverRun
ベースの VM の場合、 または MX システムから VM をエクスポートする前に、ゲストオペレーティングシステムに VirtIO ドライバをインストールする必要があります。VirtIO ドライバをインストールしないと、インポートした VM が システムでブート中にクラッシュします。詳細については、「Windows Avance everRun everRun 仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。移行が完了したら、上記で提供される最新の VirtIO ドライバにアップデートすることをお勧めします。
VM移行用のVirtIO Driverの実行ファイルをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
PMまたはVMをネットワーク経由で直接everRun システムに移行するには、移行元のPMまたはVM上でP2Vクライアント(virt-p2v)を起動し、クライアントを使用して、移行元側からのセキュアなネットワーク転送の設定、開始、監視を行います。everRun システムでは、移行が完了するまで設定は必要ありませんが、新しいVMに関連するボリュームが表示され始めると、everRun Availability ConsoleのVolumesページで移行が進行していることを確認することができます。詳細については、「仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。
- everRun Release Release Notes(English) (Chinese) (German) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- everRun リリース システム要件(英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語)(ポルトガル語)1
Product Downloads
everRun ソフトウェアのアップグレード
Drivers and Tools
クォーラム サービス
クォーラム サービスは、HA または FT で保護された仮想マシン (VM) を実行しているeverRun サーバ (物理マシンまたは PM) とは別のサーバ上に作成されたWindows オペレーティングシステムベースのサービスです。クォーラム サーバは、everRun 環境における特定の障害に対するデータの完全性の保証と自動再起動能力を提供します。ストラタスは、特に SplitSite 操作のためにクォーラム サーバを使用することを強く推奨します。everRun PM ペアは、0、1、または 2 台のクォーラム サーバーで構成することができます。詳細については、クォーラム Servers を参照してください。
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLI)について
everRun コマンドラインインターフェース(AVCLIと表記)を使って、リモートコンソールからシステムを制御することができます。詳細は、everRun 「コマンドライン・インターフェース・リファレンス」をご参照ください。
Windows avcli クライアントをダウンロードします。
RHEL (64 bit) avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) の avcli クライアントをダウンロードする。
everRun SNMP MIB
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)は、アラームの受信、トラップの送信、およびシステムの状態を監視するための標準プロトコルです。SNMPは、階層的に構成された管理情報ベース(MIB)に格納されているシステム定義の情報を利用します。
MIBは、ネットワーク管理システムで監視可能なオブジェクトのデータベースです。everRun のソフトウェアでは、SNMP を実行する場合、MIB をダウンロードする必要があります。これらのダウンロードにより、SNMPネットワーク管理ソフトウェアが、everRun システムのSNMPアラームを解読できるようになります。
詳細については、everRun の「SNMP」の項を参照してください。
everRun MIBをダウンロードしてください。
everRun VirtIOドライバーのアップデート
VirtIO ドライバは、VM の作成時にゲストに自動的にインストールされます。ただし、システムソフトウェアをアップグレードした後、または P2V クライアントを使用して VM または物理マシン (PM) をeverRun システムに移行した後は、VirtIO ドライバをアップデートする必要があります。詳細は、「VirtIO ドライバーのアップデート (Windows-based VMs)」を参照してください。
最新のVirtIO Driverをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun Avance または MX の VM マイグレーション用 VirtIO ドライバeverRun
ベースの VM の場合、 または MX システムから VM をエクスポートする前に、ゲストオペレーティングシステムに VirtIO ドライバをインストールする必要があります。VirtIO ドライバをインストールしないと、インポートした VM が システムでブート中にクラッシュします。詳細については、「Windows Avance everRun everRun 仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。移行が完了したら、上記で提供される最新の VirtIO ドライバにアップデートすることをお勧めします。
VM移行用のVirtIO Driverの実行ファイルをダウンロードします。
VirtIO Driverのmd5sumをダウンロードします。
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
PMまたはVMをネットワーク経由で直接everRun システムに移行するには、移行元のPMまたはVM上でP2Vクライアント(virt-p2v)を起動し、クライアントを使用して、移行元側からのセキュアなネットワーク転送の設定、開始、監視を行います。everRun システムでは、移行が完了するまで設定は必要ありませんが、新しいVMに関連するボリュームが表示され始めると、everRun Availability ConsoleのVolumesページで移行が進行していることを確認することができます。詳細については、「仮想マシンの作成と移行」を参照してください。
- everRun リリース リリースノート (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- everRun リリース システム要件 (英語) (中国語) (ドイツ語) (日本語) (ポルトガル語)1
Product Downloads
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service created on a server distinct from the two everRun servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface (referred to as AVCLI) to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference.
Download the Windows avcli client.
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client.
Download the Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) avcli client.
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB).
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun software, you need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun systems.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB.
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. However, you should update the VirtIO drivers after upgrading the system software or after using the P2V client to migrate a VM or a physical machine (PM) to the everRun system. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed, Stratus recommends that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v).
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum.
- everRun Release Release Notes (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
- everRun Release HCL (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese)1
Product Downloads
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service created on a server distinct from the two everRun servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface (referred to as AVCLI) to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference.
Download the Windows avcli client.
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client.
Download the Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) avcli client.
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB).
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun software, you need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun systems.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB.
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. However, you should update the VirtIO drivers after upgrading the system software or after using the P2V client to migrate a VM or a physical machine (PM) to the everRun system. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed, Stratus recommends that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v).
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum.
- everRun Release Release Notes (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese) 1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese) 1
- everRun Release HCL (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese) 1
Product Downloads
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service created on a server distinct from the two everRun servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface (referred to as AVCLI) to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference.
Download the Windows avcli client.
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client.
Download the Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) avcli client.
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB).
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun software, you need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun systems.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB.
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. However, you should update the VirtIO drivers after upgrading the system software or after using the P2V client to migrate a VM or a physical machine (PM) to the everRun system. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed, Stratus recommends that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v).
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum.
ユーザー ドキュメント
- everRun Release Release Notes (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese) 1
- everRun User’s Guide (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese) 1
- everRun Release HCL (English) (Chinese) (German) (Japanese) (Portuguese) 1
Product Downloads
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two everRun servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface (referred to as AVCLI) to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference.
Download the Windows avcli client.
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client.
Download the Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit) avcli client.
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB).
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun software, you need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun systems.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB.
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. However, you should update the VirtIO drivers after upgrading the system software or after using the P2V client to migrate a VM or a physical machine (PM) to the everRun system. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed, Stratus recommends that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration.
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv.
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum.
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v).
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum.
- everRun Release Notes
- everRun Documentation Set (English)
- everRun Documentation Set (Chinese)1
- everRun Documentation Set (German)1
- everRun Documentation Set (Japanese)1
- everRun Documentation Set (Portuguese)1
- everRun HCL (English)
Product Downloads
! Important ! – It is necessary to observe specific cautions and workarounds when upgrading some configurations to everRun A newer release is available that addresses the issues.
Please, upgrade to everRun or newer, to avoid problems. If you must upgrade to, open a support call with Stratus Customer Service to discuss options for a problem free upgrade.
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two everRun servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface (referred to as AVCLI) to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client
Download the Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun software, you need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun systems.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers using the following ISOs when you upgrade your system software. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed, Stratus recommends that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Downloads
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client
Download the Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver version was updated in everRun 7.4.1. Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers on upgrade to using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed we recommend that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Downloads
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client
Download the Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver version was updated in everRun 7.4.1. Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers on upgrade to using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed we recommend that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Downloads
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client
Download the Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver is installed automatically in your guest on VM creation. However, you should update the VirtIO drivers after upgrading the system software or after using the P2V client to migrate a VM or a physical machine (PM) to the everRun system. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed we recommend that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Downloads
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client
Download the Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver in version 7.4.1 has been updated (refer to the release notes for details). Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers on upgrade to using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed we recommend that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Downloads
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client
Download the Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver in version 7.4.1 has been updated (refer to the release notes for details). Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers on upgrade to using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed we recommend that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Downloads
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client
Download the Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver in version 7.4.1 has been updated (refer to the release notes for details). Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers on upgrade to using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed we recommend that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Downloads
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL (64 bit) avcli client
Download the Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver Update
The VirtIO driver in version 7.4.1 has been updated (refer to the release notes for details). Stratus strongly recommends updating the VirtIO drivers on upgrade to using the following ISOs. Refer to Updating the VirtIO Drivers (Windows-based VMs) for details.
Download the latest VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun VirtIO Driver for Avance or everRun MX VM migration
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines. After migration is completed we recommend that you update to the latest VirtIO drivers provided above.
Download the VirtIO Driver executable for VM migration
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Downloads
- everRun ISO Image
- Please contact Stratus Support for updated Upgrade instructions
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Downloads
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
One View
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – English
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Chinese1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – German1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Japanese1
Product Downloads
One View
- everRun or Avance One View OVF
- everRun or Avance One View VHD file
- Virtual Box OVA package
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
One View
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – English
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Chinese1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – German1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Japanese1
Product Downloads
One View
- everRun or Avance One View OVF
- everRun or Avance One View VHD file
- Virtual Box OVA package
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
Please contact Stratus Customer Support before attempting.
Customer Support Phone Numbers:
- 米国フリーダイヤル: 800-221-6588
- International: +1 602-852-3094
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
One View
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – English
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Chinese1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – German1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Japanese1
Product Downloads
One View
- everRun or Avance One View OVF
- everRun or Avance One View VHD file
- Virtual Box OVA package
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
Please contact Stratus Customer Support before attempting.
Customer Support Phone Numbers:
- 米国フリーダイヤル: 800-221-6588
- International: +1 602-852-3094
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
- everRun Sizing Guide
One View
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – English
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Chinese1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – German1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Japanese1
Product Downloads
One View
1 Translations for version are preliminary. Please see English documentation for latest information
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
One View
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – English
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Chinese1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – German1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Japanese1
Product Downloads
One View
- everRun or Avance One View OVF
- everRun or Avance One View VHD file
- everRun or Avance One View fciv
- everRun or Avance One View md5sum
- Virtual Box OVA package
- Virtual Box One View fciv
- Virtual Box One View md5sum
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
One View
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – English
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Chinese1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – German1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Japanese1
Product Downloads
One View
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
One View
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – English
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Chinese1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – German1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Japanese1
Product Downloads
One View
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
One View
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – English
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Chinese1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – German1
- Stratus One View Documentation Set – Japanese1
Product Downloads
One View
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
One View
Product Downloads
One View
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes- English
- everRun Quick Start Guide – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Download
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes- English
- everRun Quick Start Guide – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Download
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
- everRun Release Notes- English
- everRun Quick Start Guide – English
- everRun Documentation Set – Chinese1
- everRun Documentation Set – English
- everRun Documentation Set – German1
- everRun Documentation Set – Japanese1
- everRun HCL – English
Product Download
1 Documentation sets are translated for major (X.0.0.0) and minor (X.Y.0.0) releases.
Drivers and Tools
Quorum Service
A quorum service is a Windows operating system-based service deployed on a server distinct from the two servers (physical machines or PMs) running HA- or FT-protected virtual machines (VMs). Quorum servers provide data integrity assurances and automatic restart capabilities for specific failures in an everRun environment. Stratus strongly recommends using quorum servers, especially for SplitSite operation. You can configure an everRun PM pair with 0, 1, or 2 quorum servers. Refer to Quorum Servers for more information.
Download the everRun Quorum Service.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Guest Agent
Install the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) guest agent in your Windows-based guest operating system if you want to create application-consistent snapshots of your virtual machine (VM). For details refer to Installing the QEMU Guest.
Download the QEMU Guest Agent.
everRun Command Line Interface (AVCLI)
You can use the everRun command line interface to control the system from a remote console. For details, see everRun Command Line Interface Reference
Download the Windows avcli client
Download the RHEL 6 (64 bit) avcli client
everRun SNMP MIB
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard protocol for receiving alarms, sending traps, and monitoring system status. SNMP draws upon system-defining information that is stored in hierarchically configured management information bases (MIB)
The MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With everRun, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for everRun.
For details, see the SNMP section of the everRun documentation.
Download the everRun MIB
everRun VirtIO Driver
For Windows-based VMs, you must install VirtIO drivers in the guest operating system before exporting the VM from an Avance or everRun MX system. If you do not install the VirtIO drivers, the imported VM crashes while booting on the everRun system. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines .
Download the VirtIO Driver
Download the VirtIO Driver fciv
Download the VirtIO Driver md5sum
everRun P2V Client for Virtual or Physical Machine Migration
To migrate a PM or VM directly over a network to an everRun system with no intervening storage, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) on the source PM or VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor the secure network transfer from the source side. The everRun system requires no configuration until after the migration is complete, but you can confirm that the migration is in progress on the Volumes page of the everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear. For details, see Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines.
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v)
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) fciv
Download the P2V Client (virt-p2v) md5sum
Sightline Assure
everRun Monitor Powered by Sightline Assure
Sightline Assure for ftServer
Sightline Assure のドキュメント
everRun MX
- everRun® MX 6.2 Installation Guide
- everRun MX 6.2 ドキュメント セット – English
- everRun MX 6.2 ドキュメント セット – 日本語
- everRun MX 6.2 HCL
Product Downloads
- everRun MX 6.2 HF1 software installation Images and associated files
- filename: everRun-6.2-hf1-install.exe
- MD5: everRun-6.2-hf1-install.md5
- A self-extracting zip-file containing
- everRun MX 6.2 HF1 Product CD Image (ISO)
- ISO Image XenServer 6.0.201
- Installation kit for the XenCenter management software
- the license file needed to enable XenServer
- everRun MX 6.2 Release Notes
- everRun MX 6.2.0 HF10 Upgrade Kit
- filename: everRun-6.2HF10.exe
- MD5: everRun-6.2HF10.md5
- everRun MX 6.2.0 HF10 Readme
- everRun MX 6.2.0 HF9 supplemental driver disk
- filename: Stratus_Supp_v1.7_for_XS_6.0.2.iso
- MD5: Stratus_Supp_v1.7_for_XS_6.0.2.md5
Avance リリース
Avance R4.0.0.12 includes support for accessing DOM0, read accessing DOM0 for details.
Review the R4.0 Release Notes prior to install or upgrade for a list of issues addressed by the current release.
Product Downloads
- Avance Software R4.0.0.12 ISO Image
- File name: avance_r4.0.0.12_58640.iso
- MD5: avance_r4.0.0.12_58640.md5
- FCIV: avance_r4.0.0.12_58640.xml
- Installation Guide
- Avance Upgrade Kit for R4.0.0.12
- File name: avance_upgrade_R4.0.0.12_58640.kit
- MD5: avance_upgrade_R4.0.0.12_58640.md5
- FCIV: avance_upgrade_R4.0.0.12_58640.xml
- Avance Software Upgrade Guide
Drivers and Tools
Stratus Java Certificate
In order to use the Avance UI without seeing warnings about unsigned Java applications, Stratus is providing a certificate for customers to download. Please visit the following link to download the certificate file which works with Avance r4.0.0: stratus_cert
The stratus.cer certificate can be installed by using the Java Control Panel (under Programs->Java->Configure Java in Windows).
- Go to the security tab, and look for “Manage Certificates…”
- Then pull down “Signer CA” as a “Certificate type”. Note: make sure you select “Signer CA” rather than the default “Trusted Certificates”
- Click on the “Import” button.
- In the “Files of type:” field, pull down “All Files”. Note: make sure you update the “Files of type:” field because the default file extensions (.csr and .p12) don’t include .cer.
- Select the stratus.cer file from wherever you downloaded it, and click the “open” box in the file menu. This will install the certificate.
- Close the windows from the Java Control Panel.
- Be sure to restart your browser to have the new certificate take effect.
XenConvert 2.1
Avance users must install XenConvert 2.1 to migrate a VM to Avance from either a Physical server or a Virtual Machine that is on a non-Avance platform. You must install the 32 bit or 64 bit version of this tool on the source machine using the downloadable installers provided here. For details on physical to virtual or virtual to virtual conversion see the Avance P2V, V2V and VM Cloning guide or the Avance Online Help.
- Installer for 32 bit Windows OS
- MD5: 744ff5a6df2386f56a75b7e489fabea3
- Installer for 64 bit Windows OS
- MD5: b41e8feb42502a42478286995dfa3c1a
Avance Command Line Interface (CLI) Client Downloads for all releases
The Avance Command Line Interface (AVCLI) provides a text-based interface for managing an Avance unit and its associated VMs. The CLI enables the user to write scripts and perform other tasks that can otherwise be done via the Avance Management Console. The CLI enables these tasks to be run from the command line of a Windows, RHEL, or Ubuntu client. Instructions for installing the AVCLI application can be found here.
- Instructions
- Windows AVCLI (4.4 MB)
- RHEL 6 AVCLI (3.7 MB)
- RHEL 5 AVCLI (3.7 MB)
- Ubuntu 12.04 AVCLI (3.7 MB)
Avance MIB
A Management Information Base (MIB) is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. With Avance, you will need to download the MIBs if you are running SNMP. These downloads allow your SNMP network management software to decipher SNMP alarms for Avance.
Windows 2000 PV Drivers
Drivers for Windows Server 2000 (required). These drivers enhance the performance of the server instance by implementing optimized Xen specific network, storage, and system drivers.
The PV drivers included in R2.1.3.10 and later releases do not support Windows 2000. Please install these older PV drivers on Windows 2000 VMS.
Avance Linux Kernel RPM Downloads for Avance R2.1.2, R2.1, R2.0.1, R2.0.0 and R1.6.1
Linux kernel RPMs are required for all Linux Virtual Machines. Without the kernel RPMs, network connection will not stay connected during Virtual Machine migrations.
For Linux distributions other than RHEL/Centos 4u4, you will need to install the appropriate kernel RPM from the list below. These RPMs include a minimal set of patches which Avance requires for proper operation.
To apply the kernel RPM to a running Linux VM, click on the file name and save the source or binary packages for the release of Linux you installed. Then install the kernel RPM and restart the VM by typing the following commands:
# rpm -ivh -force kernel_file_name.rpm
# reboot
To install the kernel RPM at the same time you install a Linux VM, add the kernel RPM to a repository and to a kickstart file. Add a command in the following format to the post section of the kickstart file:
rpm -i https://'サーバー名'/'kernel_file_name.rpm'
Note: The ‹server_name› is the full URL path for the repository server
Avance RPM Downloads:
- kernel-xen-2.6.18-238.el5.avance3.i686.rpm
- RHEL; Centos 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 5.5 (32 bit) Binary
- kernel-xen-2.6.18-238.el5.avance3.x86_64.rpm
- RHEL; Centos 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 5.5 (64 bit) Binary
- kernel-xenU-2.6.9-89.EL.avance3.i686.rpm
- RHEL; Centos 4.6, 4.7 (32 bit) Binary
- kernel-2.6.18-238.el5.avance3.src.rpm
- RHEL; Centos 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 Source
- kernel-2.6.9-89.EL.avance3.src.rpm
- RHEL; Centos 4.6; 4.7 Source